Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

International Coaching Federation

Coaching helps you discover what you want, identify barriers, and utilize forward-looking tools for change as you choose your priorities and define your action steps.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is a creative process – in coaching I’m a strategic partner to help you clarify intention, create focus, and craft actions steps – empowering you for change. I support you in choosing your priorities and action steps – so you can pursue your purpose.

Why Invest in Coaching?

Research suggests it takes 21-days and more to change a thought or behavior. Coaching provides an opportunity to gain an outside perspective, create focus, clarify intentions, and find new motivation for positive change.

The Coaching Process

Coaching is effective in facilitating positive change. Coaching is client-focused – you can select among coaching options that will equip you to pursue the change you want.

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Phil, Coach and Mentor

Coach Phil